Income Protection

If like most of us you depend on your income to pay for your mortgage, bills, rent and everyday expenses but what would happen if you had an accident or sickness and were unable to work for any length of time? Income Protection policies can protect you for up to 75% or 85% of your income and you can be paid a monthly benefit, depending on your occupation, for up to two or five years, or even to the ages of 65 or 70. Policies can be held both inside and outside of superannuation.

Life Insurance

If you suffer premature death not only can this cause unbelievable grief to your loved ones but the financial strain to them can be enormous. Having sufficient life insurance can repay your mortgage and any outstanding debts, cover future income replacement and look after your children’s educational costs. Life insurance policies can be held both inside and outside of superannuation.

Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Insurance

Should you become totally & permanent disabled the results can be catastrophic. However, a lump sum that can repay your mortgage, pay off personal debts, and assist with your medical costs and the future cost of living may not make the disability disappear but can at least make the financial strain disappear. Policies can be held both inside and outside of superannuation.

Trauma Insurance

Trauma Insurance provides a lump sum on the diagnosis, or occurrence, of one of a list of specific injuries and illnesses such as heart attack, cancer or stroke. It can pay for unexpected medical costs, provide for lifestyle changes, provide for necessary professional care at home, repay large debts such as a mortgage. Often referred to as living insurance instead of life insurance as it pays out whilst your still alive!


You will get a better understanding of the tax benefits of salary sacrifcing into super and the benefits of holding your insurances within superannuation. We can even roll all of your super funds into one to avoid paying too many fees.